Babywearing 101 – The 2022 Guide

If you are a big fan of babywearing, like we here, at some point you’ll ask yourself how long you can carry your baby in its carrier. Well, guess what? We’ve got the answers to your questions and we’re here to share them with you! You’ll get trustworthy health information and some real parent-to-parent talk as we won’t shy away from answering even the silliest questions. Without further ado – let’s get started!

How Long Can You Carry a Baby in a Carrier?

Now you’re bound to wonder – At what age do you stop using a baby carrier? This is a bit like breastfeeding – it’s up to you and your baby to decide.

Most people stop using the baby carrier when their toddler starts to walk or when it becomes too heavy for them. That’s also when they are less interested in being carried in a carrier. That usually happens around the age of 2, but that of course varies from child to child. That’s why it’s important to listen to your babies’ cues and your own body. When did you stop using a baby carrier? Tell us in the comments below.

What Is the Purpose of a Baby Carrier?

Babywearing has lots of benefits – for both parents and the baby! The main purpose of baby carriers is practicality. Babies are heavy and so are strollers, and they’re impractical to take everywhere you go.

If you have your bundle of joy wrapped around you, you have your hands free so you can run other errands. If you are a new mom, you likely have your hands full – you may even have other children to tend to – and baby carriers are very practical in that way.

Are Baby Carriers Necessary? 

Using a baby carrier may be a lifesaver for many because they are so useful and practical. But, are they necessary? Well, no. Generations before us have been brought up without them and they don’t seem to mind. However, times are changing, and moms of this day and age are much busier and dads more involved than ever and we here are big supporters of things that make life easier. With that said – some parents go without them even today, so buying a baby carrier is definitely not a must.

Are Baby Carriers Bad for Babies?

Absolutely not! If anything – carriers are good for babies! The benefits of safe babywearing are backed up by many studies and they’re overwhelming. However, like most things around babies – you need to know how to use them properly. If you don’t use them properly, they pose a threat to your child’s wellbeing. The development of a baby’s hips and hip dysplasia is one of the biggest concerns of many parents looking to carry their little ones this way. But, if you learn how to carry your baby right – you don’t need to worry.

Are Baby Carriers Bad for Babies’ Hips?

If you don’t keep your baby in proper carrying positions, then, yes. But, it’s not about the carrier – it’s how you use it and mostly about healthy hip positioning that keeps your baby safe. You don’t have to worry about your baby’s hip development if you know how to properly carry a child in a carrier.

According to the International Hip Dysplasia Insitute, an infant should form what is known as a frog-like or m position while being carried around. The thighs are spread around the torso and knees held higher than the buttocks with hips bent so that legs make up one even line (known as free-fall).

Take note of this picture for reference or check out some instructional videos on the topic!

Is Baby Wearing Good for the Baby?

Babywearing is GREAT for the baby! The benefits of carrying your child in a carrier are numerous. Firstly, as we mentioned – it helps with the child’s neurological development. It also helps with physical development as the jockey or frog position in which the baby is a little curved is a more natural position, especially for newborns.

Babywearing also strengthens the mother-child bond and is known to reduce crying. It can also help with colics because when you hold your baby close your breathing and tummy movements serve as a massage.

Additionally, baby slings or ring slings allow for easy breastfeeding which is a huge plus in our book!

How Do You Use a Baby Carrier?

When it comes to using a carrier – a lot is about the hips. And, as Shakira said – hips don’t like, so you can easily see if your baby is in the right carrying position. For healthy hip positioning, turn to the picture above. There’s a little something about your baby’s head, especially when it comes to younger babies. So, pay attention to head support in those early stages and don’t start with a soft structured carrier.

Newborns should always be carried in a forward-facing position. And, make sure your baby keeps its head forward in a carrier so that the baby’s face is always visible and that the baby’s chin is not pressing against its torso. That can block the airways and air supply, and your baby wouldn’t even be able to signal for help by crying. But don’t worry – this hardly ever happens, but it is a possibility so it’s good to stay alert to keep your baby safe.

Can Newborns Use a Baby Carrier?

Yes, they can! Many parents put their little ones in carriers as soon as they’re out of the hospital. Other parents prefer to wait until their baby is 4 months old as older babies can support their heads alone. There are also differences between larger babies and those with low birth weight.

That’s why it’s important to make sure your baby meets the minimum weight requirement. So, let’s recap – ditch baby slings in the begging, choose the right baby carrier, and adopt proper carry positions if you want to start using a baby carrier right away.

When Can You Start Using a Baby Carrier?

As soon as you get out of the hospital! Or you can even take your baby out of the hospital in a carrier if you so wish. Some parents are scared of putting their young babies, but there’s no need to fear or worry. There are different baby carriers out there and some are specialized for newborn babies.

Others work perfectly fine with a newborn insert or an infant insert. If you do choose to start babywearing early on – make sure you don’t use a baby sling or stretchy wrap made of loose fabric. Ditch the soft structured carriers at the beginning and choose the right baby carrier for your baby’s weight.

How Should a Newborn Look In a Carrier?

You should learn the proper carrying positions for you and your baby inside a carrier. When it comes to a newborn baby – the most important thing is that it has proper head support. Other than that, it should be able to move its head, the baby’s face should be facing forward and chin up. Arms should also be able to be moved, and legs should be in an m position or frog-like position. Stay away from complicated carrier systems and baby slings for that first period.

How Long Can You Carry a Newborn in a Carrier?

There’s no maximum time set for how long you should carry your baby in a baby carrier. That’s for you and your baby to figure out. Some general rule for newborns is that they should spend more than 2 hours in a baby carrier, especially in hot weather. Most babies will put up a fight if they’re in a carrier for too long.

The best advice would be for you to choose the right carrier based on your body type and your baby and then use it for as long as you and your baby are comfortable.

Can a Baby Spend Too Much Time in a Carrier?

Can you wear your baby too much? According to Babywearing International – there’s no such thing as too much babywearing! The little ones are happy when they’re in their parents’ arms and we bet you are as happy as them to hold them!

It’s natural. Obviously, they can’t spend an extended period of time or the whole day in a carrier, but don’t worry – when they want out, they’ll signal it to you. Or you can get them out when you are not comfortable. Read the cues of your baby and focus on its and your comfort.

Is It Ok for a Baby to Sleep in a Carrier?

A newborn baby shouldn’t be held in carriers for prolonged periods of time, so naturally, you don’t want to use the carrier as a substitute for its crib. But if your baby falls asleep while using it (and this doesn’t happen often), then that’s fine – they’ll only need an hour or two before waking up again and wanting more attention.

Though these are just rules of thumb – not all parents agree with them: some say their little ones have been sleeping for long hours since birth! So yes and no really sums things up well here; we can safely say “no” when thinking about long-term usage but still allow ourselves enough wiggle room for a little nap.

Can You Sit Down With a Baby Sling On?

Yes! Standing is not the only way of carrying your baby – you can also sit. Sitting while wearing a carrier or a baby sling is safe as long as your baby’s legs and feet are clear from the sitting surface. Remember – the frog position is the right position while carrying, even if you are seated. You can hold their feet together before sitting down to ensure nothing gets squeezed or pinched by the carrier. Then you can enjoy your meal or a nice drink somewhere and your baby can enjoy theirs.

Is It Bad to Carry a Baby on the Hip?

Carrying your baby on your hip is not advised for newborns and infants. But, as soon as your bundle of joy hits 6 months – it’s ready to face the world! Then you can hip carry with one shoulder, back carry, and do it in whichever position your little one prefers as he or she will be strong enough.

And your baby won’t shy away from telling you exactly what it needs and how it wants to be carried. Usually, when they’re a little older and bigger, they like to face outward and see what’s going on as that’s when they start to explore the environment around them.

Can Babies Use Carriers at 4 Months?

Yes! As a matter of fact – that’s when most parents prefer to start using a baby carrier. That’s because that’s when the baby becomes stronger and can support its head all on its own. At this stage, you should still face your child inwards and be attentive. And of course, adopt the right position and follow your carrier’s manual and instructions.

When Can a Baby Use Hipseat Carrier?

There is no one hard and fast rule for when a baby can use the hipseat carrier. There are many factors, such as weight, age, size as well as temperament that come into play. And the little ones develop on their one time. A baby can use a hipseat baby carrier anytime he or she is able to hold their head up unassisted. 

This generally means when they’re around 6 months old and weigh between 11 and 22 pounds. But it all boils down to your little one’s individual development of course! So if you’re unsure, feel free to ask your pediatrician for advice and guidance before using it for the first time!

Can You Put a 1-Year-Old in a Baby Carrier?

The answer to this question may seem obvious if you answer this one first – Can a 1-year-old fit in a baby carrier? If the answer is yes, then yes you can! There are many great carriers out there that can support the weight of even a 3-year-old!

They are even specifically designed for toddlers and they are designed so that they are comfortable for the carrier as well. So, again, find the right carrier for you and your baby according to weight requirements and your own comfort. Then you will both enjoy the more freedom that comes with a bigger baby in a baby carrier.

Can a 3-Year-Old Go In a Baby Carrier? 

Yap! Again, if your toddler meets the requirements of your baby carrier – all is well and you can keep babywearing. But, it’s worth saying that toddlers shouldn’t spend too much time carried in a carrier as they’re supposed to be out and about, exploring, and walking, as well. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be carried or go in strollers as well. It’s up to you to find the right balance for the best development of your child.